Page name: Gods Of Elfpack [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-27 20:47:26
Last author: Ultra Hunger
Owner: Ultra Hunger
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Gods Of Elfpack / God Registration / List Of Gods / List Of Gods II / Gods Of Elfpack Banquet
Gods Of Elfpack Banners / Gods Of Elfpack Temples / Gods Of Elfpack Suggestions
Gods Of Elfpack Arena / Gods Of Elfpack Crew


Best Wiki Award, June 2005


We are the rulers of this mortal world. We, who have with stood the boundaries of time itself to bring everlasting power to the lands. We, are the Gods of Elfpack.

Welcome to the Gods Of Elfpack! Here is where you can find a list of the different, so called, gods of elfpack. If you would like to be one of the gods, and the thing you want to be the god of is not taken, please feel free to write down your selection at God Registration and i will inform you if you were approved or denied


Rule #1 No weird request such as "can I be the God Of Dog Food"

Rule #2 You cannot be the God of all Gods or the Goddesses of all Goddesses so please stop asking me. I am the king of the gods and I control everyone’s destiny here.

Rule #3 There can only be 1 god to each ability there cannot be a God of Ice and a Goddess of Ice it may cause a fight between the two and things could get ugly.

Rule #4 Look at the List Of Gods/List Of Gods II before you make your god selection. I hate always telling people that something is already taken, so make sure to look it up first!

Rule #5 Say whatever you want here, about anything you want I will not kick you out for it, but don’t insult or start fights with any of the members in this wiki unless they deserve it. if you want to be an asshole take it some were else.

Rule #6 Don't put any banners up or make any changes without asking me first.

Rule #7 If I don't like you. Get the hell out of here!

Concequence for breaking any of the rules is exile from the club.


All gods have been destroyed and striped of their powers I have wiped out all the olympions and we are starting over a new and stronger race will prevail.

~God Registration~
~List Of Gods/List Of Gods II~
~Gods Of Elfpack Temples~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banquet~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banners~
~Gods Of Elfpack Suggestions~
~Gods Of Elfpack Arena~
~Gods Of Elfpack Crew~

This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 
And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007

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2005-10-05 [Undertow]: i was being sarcastic...hence the reason for the LOL afterwards

2005-10-05 [Shatureel]: Iy now what Jarad, there are times when you are very annoying.

2005-10-05 [Serena]: or times where he is simply misunderstood

2005-10-05 [Shatureel]: What ever!

2005-10-05 [Undertow]: ....atleast i'm not the one that's being childish over a little bit of sarcasm...geez it's not like anyones going to come out and start telling you that your a bad person for telling us about a wiki...damn

2005-10-05 [Serena]: dont take everything to heart.

2005-10-05 [Undertow]: i'm not, i was just trying to be funny

2005-10-05 [Serena]: not you, Shatureel

2005-10-05 [Undertow]: oh okay

2005-10-05 [Serena]: so umm hi

2005-10-05 [Undertow]: hello

2005-10-05 [Shadowsoul]: hey

2005-10-05 [Serena]: umm cake

2005-10-05 [Undertow]: CHEESE!

2005-10-05 [Serena]: pizza

2005-10-05 [Undertow]: i had that earlier ^__^

2005-10-05 [Serena]: i had a happy meal from mcdonalds

2005-10-05 [Undertow]: lol, i know people that will go and get those just to get the toys and blow them up with fire-crackers or roman candles

2005-10-05 [Serena]: i only go because it is tuesday night and they are half off, and it is alos chicken night at KFC where chicken is half off to....and I hate chicken

2005-10-05 [iCh3wi]: I love chicken, so yummy!!!

2005-10-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: chicken is better then beef!lol

2005-10-05 [Noxme]: HAWO

2005-10-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: what does HAWO stand for?

2005-10-05 [Shadowsoul]: it's hot here

2005-10-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: thats what it stands for???

2005-10-05 [Shadowsoul]: no

2005-10-05 [Homewrecker]: i know all u guys have missed me

2005-10-06 [iCh3wi]: Especially me cause I only saw you like what?20 minutes ago? I have seperation anxiety from my twin. o.0

2005-10-06 [Homewrecker]: *whispers* hes the only one lol

2005-10-06 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Lol..thats so funny....ha ha ha

2005-10-06 [Homewrecker]: lol ok then..

2005-10-06 [iCh3wi]: Hey Ash-y poo!!!

2005-10-06 [Homewrecker]: *backs away slowly*

2005-10-06 [skullhead]: ...

2005-10-06 [Homewrecker]: dont be scared its jsut us *stares insanely*

2005-10-06 [skullhead]: us?

2005-10-06 [Homewrecker]: me and richard and ash

2005-10-06 [skullhead]: So what do all of you do in this wiki it’s a been a log time

2005-10-06 [Homewrecker]: ive been grounded from the internet so im out of the loop

2005-10-06 [Homewrecker]: oh cool.....i thought i deleted that pic form my house...

2005-10-06 [skullhead]: I will take it off so you don’t get mad

2005-10-06 [Homewrecker]: idc lol

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: hello everyone

2005-10-06 [Serena]: hey jarad

2005-10-06 [iCh3wi]: Hey Jared.

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: .......hello

2005-10-06 [Serena]: im bored.....

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: ditto, and i have to pack my computer here soon, and won't be able to get on for a few weeks

2005-10-06 [Serena]: oh how come?

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: i'm moving

2005-10-06 [Serena]: oh that sucks

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: not really

2005-10-06 [Serena]: i hated moving

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: i don't, it's not that big a deal to me, just diff/ more people to hate and riddicule for their stupidity

2005-10-06 [Serena]: true

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: yeah, but i'm going some where not too far from most of my friends, so i can visit anytime i want

2005-10-06 [Serena]: im just bored out of mind...tried coloring in Adobe...made me irratated.

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: lol, yeah photoshop isn't the easiest program to manipulate

2005-10-06 [Serena]: it works just fine for me....just the picture I was trying to color had too much pencil shading

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: lol, i'm just not good with things like that, i usually make the code to put those things into game i play

2005-10-06 [Serena]: i love it

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: that's cool

2005-10-06 [Serena]: i mean its not one of my fav things to do...that would be playing video games and roleplaying

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: that's cool, i play games on my computer and my x-box...i just don't tend to go online with them, i do with halo but that's b/c it's impossible not to go online with halo for pc

2005-10-06 [Serena]: i have a gamecube and a ps2 not xbox, but i will once the 360 comes out, i am going to buy the reduced price xbox

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: eh, my dad bought my x-box the day it came out and will more than likely do the same for the 360..idk though i might by myself the ps3, it's going to have a stronger graphics engine and processor than the 360

2005-10-06 [Serena]: true true...but then again, the games for the ps3 are going to be more limited and that system is going to be at least a hundred dollars more than the 360

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: no, it's going to be the same price, the 360's going to be $300 for the first 6 months to a year of it's release and the ps3will only be more expensive for about a month or two, and how could a stronger systems games be more limited?

2005-10-06 [Serena]: no its going to be more expensive, curtisy of my local gamestop and talking about which system is better. There is supposed to be half the games for ps3 that the 360 is going to have as well the 360 is going to be four hundred for the system, but the system pack is going to be 700 where as the ps3 itself will be almost six hundred.

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: lol, gamestop those guys never knwo what they're talking about, ask people at EBgames they know a little bit more about prices and all the 360's going to be 300 and the ps3's going to be 350 to 400 (sony hasn't made up their minds yet)

2005-10-06 [Serena]: I dont like EB games and anyways Gamestop owns EB now...not to mention it is either the word of Gamestop or Walmart...the closet eb games is sixty miles away and they know less than the to tell ya the truth, i beleive them

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: oh okay well, i'm just going off of experience..i dont' liek the people in gamestops normally either, they're normally dicks to me b/c i can beat them at any game they play me and i won't work for them

2005-10-06 [Serena]: well i want to work for them but the bastards at the local one here will not hire a girl, especially a girl who can beat them in any knowledge about games....they just refuse.

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: i'm not a knowledge king..i just happen to be ungodly good at 90% of fighting games and can slaughter the geeks at the ones here in halo (1 or 2) or any unreal game

2005-10-06 [Serena]: shooting games are not my fote....fighting are, rping are...puzzle games are...and sports games i just planly suck at lol

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: i'm not a fan of RPG's myself, i can play one for abotu an hour at a time and then i have to switch to something else... onyl games i have to gloat about are the Tony hawk games...i can't be beaten unless my opponent is using cheat codes or mods

2005-10-06 [Serena]: i love Zelda and Final Fantasy....its just the fact, I have a LONG attention span, and can sit still for HOURS

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: i like rpg's like zelda..just not turn based ones like FF..i can play diablo2 for hours on end though

2005-10-06 [Serena]: oh yes, I love Diablo2

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: yeah, it's cool

2005-10-06 [Serena]: you know I do not see why people get so angry at are decent to me

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: i'm decent to just about everybody...just nto everybody enjoy's my wise-ass comments... and here lately it's been pretty calm as far as arguments go..last night was the first time in over a month that i've argued with anyone on here

2005-10-06 [iCh3wi]: We haven't had or weekly quarrel in a while.

2005-10-06 [Serena]: some people just do not know humor or sarcasim if it bite their ass

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: lol yeah some people just take things too seriously

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: and it was more like a dayly thing there for a while

2005-10-06 [iCh3wi]: True. I got tired of arguing after a while.

2005-10-06 [Serena]: i have no problem with anyone unless they diss my heritage

2005-10-06 [iCh3wi]: What's your heritage? I hate it when people joke about Jew's. Being Isreali doesn't mean I am Jewish, but I still don't like to hear the jokes sometimes.

2005-10-06 [Serena]: japanese luv

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: yeah i tend not to talk abotu things like that and as long as someones not glorifying something i see as completely obsurd (sp?) or the height of stupidity i've got no real problem with it...i'll just say something like "i don't like that"

2005-10-06 [Serena]: obserd I think

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: yeah i'm not a king at spelling, lol

2005-10-06 [Serena]: me the queen LOL, no seriously, I spell pretty well but some words just will not look right, spelled correctly or not

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: yeah, i'm decent at it, just not amazing

2005-10-06 [Serena]: well i had a four point in all my english realted classes...a negative four point when i was in math

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: lol i WAS good at i suck at it for some reason...i can write an english paper that looks like it took over a week to write in about 3 hours though but that's b/c i've been drilled on writing at just about every school

2005-10-06 [Serena]: yeah same here

2005-10-06 [iCh3wi]: Japanese? Coolness. I'm a weird mix, half Cherokee, and then it goes to French, Welsh, Isreali, and Irish.

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: scottish, german, english, hawaiian, and my mom swears polish lol

2005-10-06 [Serena]: only half the other is german/greek

2005-10-06 [iCh3wi]: Greek and Hawaiian? Those are cool!!

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: nah the polish is a joke (my mom calls polish people poloks (dumbasses) b/c i make alot of stupid mistakes on things)

2005-10-06 [Serena]: lol

2005-10-06 [Undertow]: but yeah my dad's half hawiian, half german, and my mom's scottish, and english (grandmother is a stereotype old southern lady (it's sort of funny)

2005-10-06 [Serena]: im going to go to bed....

2005-10-06 [iCh3wi]: I just got out of bed. And it's only 4 am here on the central Texas plains with a wind factor of 30 mph and a temperature of 55 degrees farenheit.

2005-10-06 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lucky you It is still hot as hell here

2005-10-07 [Homewrecker]: *blinks*

2005-10-07 [iCh3wi]: It was only 55 today.

2005-10-07 [Homewrecker]: it was freezing

2005-10-07 [Ultra Hunger]: I have the sunglasses from willy wonka

2005-10-07 [iCh3wi]: kool

2005-10-07 [Serena]: it was under 30 degrees here last night

2005-10-07 [Shadowsoul]: it's boiling here

2005-10-07 [Undertow]: it's kind of cold here today...super windy too

2005-10-07 [Serena]: meh

2005-10-07 [iCh3wi]: Eh....enough weather (It's still freezing!!) Anything interesting happening today with anyone? Today is Western Day and I am wearing boots and a cowboy hat, w00t!!

2005-10-07 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: no but it felt great outside today (hehe,sorry)

2005-10-07 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: richard plz tell me you didnt wear wranglers!!Ugh!I hate when guys wear tight looks so gross!!ugh!

2005-10-07 [Homewrecker]: its makes them infertile too

2005-10-07 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...really?i didnt know that!

2005-10-07 [Homewrecker]: to much pressure on the balls

2005-10-07 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]:

2005-10-07 [Homewrecker]: dont ask how i knwo this

2005-10-07 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i want to now how you now this?

2005-10-07 [iCh3wi]: She asked Chance, and no wranglers, Stetson's and Blue Button Shirt Long Sleeve

2005-10-07 [Homewrecker]: the only thing he did different was the boots

2005-10-07 [iCh3wi]: And the cowboy hat dubass

2005-10-07 [Homewrecker]: u wore it before

2005-10-07 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..ok good...and who is chance and howe would he know?

2005-10-07 [Homewrecker]: hes [mean ass rednek] and hes a redneck that wears wranglers everyday of the year

2005-10-07 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: *shudders* egh! i hate even the thought of guys wearing tight clothes,I told my bf not to ever even thin about coming near me in tight clothes

2005-10-07 [Homewrecker]: lololol

2005-10-07 [iCh3wi]: lol, and no i have never worn it before. that wasnt my hat i wore that time, was brookes

2005-10-07 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: loll

2005-10-11 [GODofMUSIC04]: whats wrong with a guy wearing tight clothes?

2005-10-11 [GODofMUSIC04]: i find them slightly comfortable, except in the extreeme heat..

2005-10-11 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: egh...I hate it..i think it looks gross..but if youlike it...congradulations....just dont come around me..ill walk away

2005-10-11 [Homewrecker]: i think that guys should wear moderatley baggy clothes...........if their pants fall down then i dont complain

2005-10-11 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...knowing me if they were that baggy i would snea up behind then and pull them down ;)

2005-10-12 [Homewrecker]: id jsut stare at their ass

2005-10-12 [iCh3wi]: No. You would make Cody wear baggy pants so they would "fall" down so you could stare at HIS ass.

2005-10-12 [skullhead]:

<img:> VS. <img150*0:>

2005-10-12 [skullhead]:

<img100*0:> VS. <img50*0:>

2005-10-13 [iCh3wi]: ummmmm..................

2005-10-13 [Shatureel]: So whats this all about. Hi Richard

2005-10-13 [iCh3wi]: Hey Shay, whats up?

2005-10-13 [Shatureel]: Not much, with you

2005-10-13 [iCh3wi]: About as good as it could be I guess.

2005-10-13 [Shatureel]: thats cool.

2005-10-13 [Homewrecker]: hi

2005-10-13 [iCh3wi]: Hello. Yeah I guess. You?

2005-10-13 [Homewrecker]: dflsjalsdfjslfjakl;jfd

2005-10-13 [iCh3wi]: dubass

2005-10-13 [Homewrecker]: what the hell is a dubass?

2005-10-13 [iCh3wi]: means dumbass, i just dont like typing the full thing

2005-10-13 [Homewrecker]: well i have english issues so do it anyway

2005-10-14 [Noxme]: how interesting

2005-10-14 [Homewrecker]: i knwo

2005-10-15 [iCh3wi]: Jessica message me when you get back on.

2005-10-15 [Homewrecker]: ok

2005-10-15 [iCh3wi]: And now your off again, this is never going to end.

2005-10-15 [Homewrecker]: im on now!

2005-10-15 [iCh3wi]: Good, now on to AIM

2005-10-15 [Homewrecker]: yay

2005-10-16 [Viperess]: Hello anybody home.

2005-10-16 [Shatureel]: Well I guess not. *Strolls out the door and disappears into the streets of Elfpack*

2005-10-16 [iCh3wi]: Hey Shay!

2005-10-16 [bluefaerie]: hello?

2005-10-16 [iCh3wi]: Hi

2005-10-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: erm...hey people

2005-10-17 [d o n e]: Yo.

2005-10-17 [iCh3wi]: Hello.

2005-10-17 [Shatureel]: Hiya whats up

2005-10-17 [iCh3wi]: Nothing much, just about ready to pass out on the keyboard.

2005-10-17 [Shatureel]: If thats the case, then you should go to bed.

2005-10-17 [Homewrecker]: yo soy

2005-10-17 [iCh3wi]: Yo soy? o.0

2005-10-17 [Shatureel]: Whats up

2005-10-17 [iCh3wi]: Uh...nothing much.

2005-10-17 [Homewrecker]: yo soy libros!!

2005-10-17 [Shatureel]: okya what does that mean.

2005-10-17 [Homewrecker]: it means "i am books"      Es Ricardo grande?

2005-10-17 [Shatureel]: Is Richard big! LOL, I thought thats what it meant.

2005-10-17 [iCh3wi]: XL

2005-10-17 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: in sanish yo soy means I am... anyways I dont have school no spanish ..i will have enough of that at

2005-10-17 [Shadowsoul]: ......

2005-10-18 [Homewrecker]: lol nice

2005-10-18 [Shatureel]: yea I know what it means, I speak the lingo.

2005-10-18 [iCh3wi]: uh....

2005-10-18 [Homewrecker]: lol

2005-10-18 [Shatureel]: spanish, Ricardo, I think thats how you spell it, LOL

2005-10-18 [Homewrecker]: noice

2005-10-18 [iCh3wi]: I know, Yo soy muy fluente en espanol.

2005-10-18 [Homewrecker]: no ur not

2005-10-18 [iCh3wi]: ..............................................ssshh!

2005-10-18 [Homewrecker]: u suck u fail spanish

2005-10-18 [Shatureel]: yep I agree. LOL

2005-10-18 [iCh3wi]: I dont have spanish dubass.

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